Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Welcome everyone! Here's a tentative schedule for this year (having begun on July 25th, 2010). Please feel free to jump in if you're ready on today's scheduled readings! OR, make up your own schedule and read at your leisure!...there's no right or wrong way to read through God's word and the point of this blog is simply to encourage us to stay IN it!

Just to clarify: The schedule you will find on this blog is made up of four lists. You will read an average of 6 chapters total (which will include both the Old and New Testament) daily. This schedule suggests that you read 2 chapters from the Gospels, 1 chapter from the Epistles, 2 chapters from Psalms and 1 chapter from the Books of Wisdom. If that explanation only confused you, please email me at CLSRMLA@Gmail.com and I'll try to explain further. :-)

  1. Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts)
  2. Epistles (Romans, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Galatians and Ephesians, Philipians, ect)
  3. Psalms (read continually throughout the year)
  4. Books of Wisdom and then on to the Prophets

Now, on to the "fellowship" part! We would absolutely love it if in between folding laundry, changing diapers, homeschooling or carpooling your children, feeding them, bathing them, cleaning your house and loving on your hotty hubby, you could leave a post and share with us a revelation you had while reading your daily passages! We could learn so much from one another!

Happy reading!

Today: Mark 5 &6, Romans 3, Psalms 5 &6, Proverbs 3

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